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Errors made by candidates

Every professional branch has a lot of good specialists and… others.

In my domain, I see that is easy to blame recruiters because of their errors. But from the candidate's shoes (before you blame a recruiter), are you sure you did everything right?

Because of this, let me list below some errors made by candidates. If you don’t see them as ”errors”, please remember: recruiting is a collaboration process - not a transactional one and not a selling process from neither part. When you are a candidate, a recruiter is not your employee and it is not his obligation to ”serve” you.

Just think about this:

  • You accepted another offer and you forgot to announce to the recruiter you will not attend the interview. It is a matter of time waisted by the recruiter, but also by the technical interviews (your peers).
  • You didn’t prepare for the interview with everything it was asked (eg: you didn’t install Zoom / Skype or any other platform needed, you didn’t send the portfolio for the technical interviewers). And more than this: you lie that the recruiter didn’t tell you this (not that you ignored his message). 
  • You are late for the interview, even if it is online.
  • You participate in the interview between other tasks (eg: shopping, eating, etc.). Would it be ok if the other side won’t be able to concentrate on the interview with you?
  • You use a recruitment process to receive more benefits from the actual employer. Maybe this will work once or twice, but how trusted would you be after this?

What about you: what errors annoy you from the other branch?

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