How to answer to a passive-aggressive person

Confession time: I realized that I used to be a passive-aggressive person. And I wasn’t like this because I was a bad person, but this was the way I knew how to deal with difficult situations.

But what is passive-aggressive? It is a behavior of expressing negative feelings instead of openly addressing them. It might contain opposition to the demands of others, resistance to cooperation, a cynical attitude, and complaints about feeling underappreciated.

When you are dealing with a passive-aggressive person, it is recommended to communicate your understanding and your opening to discuss the problem.

Some specific steps are here:

  • Recognize the Passive-Aggressive pattern
  • Avoid overreacting
  • Use assertive, clear, and direct communication
  • Be present and express your feelings
  • Offer to solve the issue together
  • Don’t try to change them
  • End the conversation respectfully
