We meet people for a certain reason.
Some of them have a great impact on our lives and stay forever with us; others just teach us a lesson and leave. But coincidences don’t exist.
There are some typologies of people I met and they are referring to people who:
- validate your values and encourage you to be confident in you
- put you in the right place when you are not sure of what to do
- teach you the things you should know - by words or by example
- are constant in your life, no matter where you work, in what relationship you are, or in what mood you have
- hit and run - stays for only one episode in your life
- push your limits until a heartbreak
- are your cheerleader no matter what you do
Be grateful for every people you meet and thank them for what they brought to your life.
And more than that, put a candle for all those close to you who have left this world because they are your guardian angels.
Photo credit
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