#1 Because
people lie in their resumes
#2 Because
people lie during interviews as well
#3 Because they
have to read generic cover letters
#4 Because this
job affects their sex life
#5 Because
people hate them
#6 because
candidates never come on time
#7 Because they
never get recognized for their hard work
#8 Because
people don’t understand them
#9 Because they have
to deal with weirdos
#10 Because
sometimes they feel lost
#11 Because you
ignored their LinkedIn request
#12 Because they
usually don’t get a proper job description
#13 Because they
don’t get a proper job description even when they ask
#14 Because they feel
like aliens
#15 Because they often
have to settle with “good enough”…
#16 Because they are
always busy
#17 Because their
prehistoric ATS drives them crazy
#18 Because their
work for society is overlooked
#19 Because people
still don’t understand them
#20 Because this job
affects their free time
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