This is about what people know about you

In a market where each employer is looking for talents, each employee is looking for the best opportunity he has on the market.

In this context, each specialist has to asses his professional value. He has to be aware of what other specialists he associates with and what things he promotes.

Let’s make an exercise: google your name.

  • What does it appear?
  • There is a good image of you or not?
  • The are some professional information about you or just private ones?
  • Is it relevant for you as a specialist?
  • What other information is relevant about you and it is not on Google?

This is a part of your personal brand.

In many companies, the manager / the CEO is the most powerful image for that brand.

But that is also true that when a candidate chooses a certain company he takes the decision based on information he receives from the other people (HR, hiring manager or his peers from the company). Because of this, each employee, with his personal brand, contributes to the company’s brand.

There is a circle: some good employees attract good candidates or clients for the company and a good company attracts good candidates.

Let’s make another exercise: in your area, what specialists do you appreciate the most?

  • For what companies they work?
  • What makes them so special as professionals?
  • What do you have to do to be as good as they are?

As I already said, the employees’ brand is in a direct relationship with the employer’s brand. They have to sustain each other and to complete each other.

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