The mathematics of love

I found this TED. In the beginning, it seems a strings thing - mathematics and love? But if you watch the video until the end, it is all about predictions.

But for sure that this is not the only evidence-based in love. There is a lot of research on this and the results are similar for a majority of couples:

  • When you're in love, you begin to think your beloved is unique
  • People who are truly in love tend to focus on the positive qualities of their beloved while overlooking his or her negative traits
  • Being in love is a form of addiction - you think a lot at the other one and you are emotionally dependent on him/her
  • Romantic attraction is intensified because of the dopamine produced by the brain
  • There are more day-dreams regarding the future together

Being in love is a thing that we can predict in some cases. But do you know that if you want to win the lottery you just have to play?

Also, researchers showed some differences between men and women regarding the way they love. Men are becoming more interested in commitment and attachment, but women are more interested in relationships that allow them a degree of independence. During times of high emotion, men stop talking, but women feel continue to talk. Interestingly it is also that elderly men are much more likely to die after losing a partner than are elderly women.

It is funny how we can put research into everything, right?

”To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further. There is no other pearl to be found in the dark folds of life.” (Victor Hugo)

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