Building resilience

2020 thought us a huge lesson - resilience. We learn how to adapt to the way of living, to face some difficult situations, and to continue our daily activity. We became better, stronger, and more aware of ourselves. We found new resources and we made new discoveries.

The most resilient persons are the ones who used the breaks from this year to reconnect with themselves and to be grateful for what they have.

Sometimes maybe we want to forget the year 2020. But I think that we will win a lot if we will remember this year's lesson and we will apply during the next years.

In science, art, or sports, there are a lot of examples of people who failed a lot until they had a big success. Why they didn’t quit after the first loss? Because they were resilient.

Resilient people learned from their mistakes and moved forward. They take challenges, they are committed to the work and they have strong control over themselves. They have a positive mindset, strong goals, and good interpersonal qualities (such as empathy).

Ok, we admit that resilience is good, but how do we build it? Here are some steps:

  • Take care of your mind and your body. Sleep enough, do sports and learn to manage stress. Establish a work-life balance.
  • Be conscious of your thoughts and feelings. Especially when things go wrong.
  • Learn from your mistakes and failures. Positive and constructive thinking helps a lot.
  • If panic, find some anchors to remain calm and to find a solution. Most of the problems can be solved.
  • Set some growth objectives, but also learn how to be flexible on them.
  • Build your self-confidence and your belief that you can succeed in any situation.
  • Develop strong relationships. In a difficult moment, it helps us to have a support group with real friends that can listen to us and helps us.

Into an organization, resilience can be developed by the values promoted: respect, transparency in leadership, growth, and trust.

On this topic, some recommendations regarding workplace resilience: 1 and 2 .

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