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What makes your personality attractive?

Attractiveness is not only about physical appearance. It is also about our personality, about how we interact with others, or about how we express ourselves.

With some of these, we are born, but for sure we can develop most of them. Think about these ones:

  • Being a good discussion partner. It doesn’t matter if you are an introvert or an extrovert. Be approachable, make eye contact, and listen actively.
  • Propose subjects to discuss. Quiet moments are awkward. Break them with some simple themes that might interest your partner.
  • Optimistic mindset. We don’t like people who complain a lot. And we will avoid them as much as we can. Be kind, be happy, and be calm.
  • Be open to new things. Accept to visit new places or to meet new people. Accept them with a smile on your face and be sociable.
  • Being confident. This shows high self-esteem, a strong personality, and a clear image of what you want.
  • Use your humor. It is not only about your laugh. But also this makes the other person feel more relaxed.
  • Wear colors. Maybe you know what do the colors mean. But despite this, wear a color which fits you and people will remember you easier.
  • Be available. Offer your support, propose a follow-up session, or just let the other know that he/she can call you whenever it will need.
  • Be careful with the body language. Keep your body (your chest) open to your partner and your arms uncrossed.

You can check here some biological reasons for being attracted to someone. The one with similarity I remember from the faculty; I read at that moment some researches on this.

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