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Work-life balance as a lifestyle

It is not the first time when I am writing about work-life balance. Why? Because I’ve studied it a lot (even before it became a fancy topic on business) because I like it, and I need it.

Previous year thought us to pay more attention to ourself and our health. And work-life balance is part of our mental health.

It is nice to be devoted to your career, but it is also important to pay more attention to your personal life. A healthy company doesn’t encourage workaholism, so be careful about what roles you choose.

Having this kind of balance is not like an objective that you achieve and you go further. It’s more like a lifestyle where you do small changes and builds constant behaviors. You spend more time with your family or with your friends, find new hobbies or take more care of your body.

Work-life balance doesn’t mean that you have to completely split these two domains. It means more to find how you can harmoniously combine them.

Find some activities to relax when you came back home. Make friends with your work colleagues and have some activities with them (not work-related). During the weekend, answer some emails from work if needed, but do it only if you want to. When you do a thing as an obligation, this will make you a bad feeling and it will hurt more than the time spent with the email.

I have a lot of friends or relatives that are complaining about their jobs. I advise them to find a job that makes them happy, a team where they feel appreciated and a place that fits with their values.

To sustain this, it might work another psychology concept: work-family enrichment. It refers to that situations when the well-being of your professional life would influence the well-being of your personal life and vice-versa.

“Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life” it is said. And it is true. When you don’t feel your work is an obligation, this won’t affect your mood. And you have a good mood, you find a balance.

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  1. Ce frumos, Sabino 💛 Ma bucur mult ca ai scris, abia astept sa citesc si urmatoarele articole. Te imbratisez! 🤗

    1. Multumumesc mult Alina 😘! Te imbratisez cu drag si dor 🤗. Sa ai parte de sarbatori linistite, alaturi de toti ai tai!


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