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Prepare for success

We are ”scheduled” to be successful. We learn this goal since we were a child. At that moment, it was correlated to our school performance; now, with our professional or with our personal-life performance.

More recent psychologies focus on how to cope with a failure.

We agree with this, but it is also intuitive that we want to train more on success than on failure. This brings happiness

So, how can we obtain success?

  • Being proactive. If you find an opportunity to do something, take it. It doesn’t help to wait for it. Good things don’t appear from anywhere - you have to work for them.
  • Analyze your potential. We are not good at everything. There are things we can do and things we can not do. So be aware of what objectives you have and if they fit with your skills.
  • Make a plan. Do you know how do you eat an elephant? Piece by piece. When you want to succeed, make a plan with each step you have to achieve for it. And ”conquer” it step by step.
  • Find a ”tribe”. Find a team or a group of friends that will encourage you to succeed. If they would have similar objectives, it would be better.
  • Consistency. Work each day for your success. It is like being in good psychical shape. You can’t be fit if you eat each day fast food. But if you do some sports at least twice a week, you have a chance to keep your body fit.
  • Celebrate each success. This will help you to consolidate good habits.
  • But also prepare for failure. We can not have success all the time. We just can’t even if we try. So prepare your mind for the mind when you will fail to know how to react. What is the biggest bad thing that can happen at that moment?

In the end, some book recommendations for the organizational field: Good to Great and Insanely Simple.

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