Questions to my inner child

When you are preparing to change the age, you are starting to look deeper inside yourself, to your childhood and to your dreams.

I wrote some years ago about the inner child (1 and 2). Compared to that moment, I feel like being in a moment when I am working more on this and I feel good results.

If you are at this stage and if it helps, I thought of a list of questions that can be used for your inner child. When you answer them, it might bring you some “aha” moments, but also some of them might not fit you.

  • What made me happy when I was a child?
  • Would I agree with someone talking to myself the way I talk to myself?
  • Would I have been happy as a child if I had known that I would follow the career I have today?
  • Who made me feel safe as a child? Who encouraged me? Who trusted me?
  • Who hurt me in the past? What would I need to overcome that moment?
  • When I was a child, what image did I project about the family I was going to form by myself?
  • When I was a child, who was the man I admired the most? What do I admire about him? What emotions does that person evoke in me now?
  • What things have I postponed doing that could make me happy?
  • What limited beliefs from childhood have guided my entire life?
  • If today's me would meet my younger self, what would I say to myself?
